Real estate
In the real estate area, Georgiev, Kolev & Katzarski’s team offers professional assistance in commercial and residential real estate transactions:
- preparing the full set of documents required for real estate transactions;
- conducting negotiations and representing the client before the counterparty, institutions, notaries, etc.;
- legal analysis of real estate – title, limited real rights or foreclosures, third-party claims;
- researching a real estate’s status in terms of zoning – regulations, possibilities for development, all necessary procedures for change of status, etc.;
- execution of real estate management and disposal transactions;
- support in negotiating bank loan conditions for purchase of real estate, drawing up contracts, mortgages, powers of attorney, etc.;
- comprehensive legal service for construction companies and developers – from the research and purchase stage, through acquiring building permits, commissioning, and sale of housing units from the estate.